Thomas Tronel-Gauthier
French, b. 1982 in Paris, based in Paris.
Thomas Tronel-Gauthier develops a multifaceted practice of sculpture, that oscillates between objects and installations. It questions the materials and their fate and convenes painting, photography and video. His work focuses on the notion of form, from its origins to its mutations. “I am interested in the cycles of life, shaping, deforming and reforming what has been destroyed”, he explains. Through volumes or images, he captures natural phenomena and proposes a nuanced approach of ephemerality and durability. His works speaks of transition, of the passage from density to dissolution.
Thomas Tronel-Gauthier graduated from the Ecole Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs of Strasbourg in 2007.
Selected recent exhibitions
Surrounded by Water, L’Abbaye, Annecy, France, 2017
Le Temps d’un sillage, Bullukian Foundation, Lyon, France, 2016
FIAC – (OFF)ICIELLE, Art Fair, Paris, 2015
An echo, a stone, Galerie My Monkey, Nancy, France, 2015
Ce que j’ai vu n’existe plus, Galerie 22,48 m², Paris, France, 2015
Main illustration: Thomas Tronel-Gauthier, Tahiti-Moorea, 2012 / video HD / 2'00 loop. © Thomas Tronel-Gauthier, Courtesy Thomas Tronel-Gauthier.